def panelize():#drl0, drl1, drl1xoffset, drl1yoffset, drlOUT): """Combines two drl input files created by Allegro NC drill into a single file, useful for panelization !*!*! READ BEFORE USING: !*!*! !!! NOTE THAT THIS PROGRAM ASSUMES LESS THAN 99 TOOLS PER INPUT BOARD, ALL OF WHICH ARE CIRCULAR DRILL BITS. NO INPUT OR OUTPUT COORDS SHOULD BE NEGATIVE. ALL FILES IN 2.4 FORMAT. DOESN'T SUPPORT REPEAT CODES!!! INPUT: drl0, drl1 --- the two .drl files to combine INPUT: drl1xoffset, drl1yoffset --- offset by which x and y coordinates of drl1 are displaced, in mils INPUT: drlOUT --- filename of output combined .drl OUTPUT: no returned value, but creates new drlOUT .drl file""" #TEST INPUT drl1 = 'J:/Engineering/McAuley/fisnar_backshell/allegro/fisnar_backshell-1-2.drl' drlOUT = 'C:/Documents and Settings/mcaula1.ENT/Desktop/panelized_brd/step+pc+fisnar_x2500y1500.drl' drl0 = 'C:/Documents and Settings/mcaula1.ENT/Desktop/panelized_brd/step+pc_x0y1500.drl' drl1xoffset = 2500 drl1yoffset = 1500 #/TEST INPUT f0 = open(drl0,'r') f1 = open(drl1,'r') """Create a list of tools for drl0 by reading tool headings, which occur before the lines starting with ';' but after 'M48' and 'INCH,LZ'""" tools0 = [] #array of tool definitions tdict0 = {} #dictionary of tool numbers / diameters for drl0 line0 = f0.readline() #eat 'M48' line0 = f0.readline() #eat 'INCH,LZ' line0 = f0.readline() #start reading tool data while(line0[0] != ';'): tools0.append(line0[0:-1]) #add tool to array, strip newline char tdict0[line0[0:3]] = line0[0:-1] #EX. 'T01' : 'T01C.013' line0 = f0.readline() #get the next line """Repeat for drl1""" tools1 = [] #array of tool definitions tdict1 = {} #dictionary of tool numbers / diameters for drl1 line1 = f1.readline() #eat 'M48' line1 = f1.readline() #eat 'INCH,LZ' line1 = f1.readline() #start reading tool data while(line1[0] != ';'): tools1.append(line1[0:-1]) #add tool to array, strip newline char tdict1[line1[0:3]] = line1[0:-1] #EX. 'T01' : 'T01C.013' line1 = f1.readline() #get the next line """Merge tools list to make an overall tools list""" toolsOUT = [] #strip all 'TxxC' parts. We'll add them back later. for tool in tools0: toolsOUT.append(float(tool[4:])) #change into float for sorting for tool in tools1: toolsOUT.append(float(tool[4:])) toolsOUT = list(set(toolsOUT)) #remove duplicate tools toolsOUT.sort() #sort the list in increasing drill diameter """Find coords for new tools in each input board, store them for later""" coords0 = [] coords1 = [] newcoords1 = [] #translated coords1 for i in range(len(toolsOUT)): coords0.append([]) #template for list of {list of coords under each #tool} coords1.append([]) newcoords1.append([]) """start with drl0""" line0 = f0.readline() while(line0[0] != 'T'): line0 = f0.readline() #keep reading until we find the first tool #found a tool while(1==1): #find that tool in tdict0 so we can look it up in the combined list tindex0 = toolsOUT.index(float(tdict0[line0[0:-1]][4:])) #get new tool number (-1) line0 = f0.readline() #keep reading until we find next tool or 'M30' while(line0[0] == 'X'): coords0[tindex0].append(line0[0:-1])#add coords to list line0 = f0.readline() if(line0[0] == 'M'): break else: continue """again for drl1""" line1 = f1.readline() while(line1[0] != 'T'): line1 = f1.readline() #keep reading until we find the first tool #found a tool while(1==1): #find that tool in tdict0 so we can look it up in the combined list tindex1 = toolsOUT.index(float(tdict1[line1[0:-1]][4:])) #get new tool number (-1) line1 = f1.readline() #keep reading until we find next tool or 'M30' while(line1[0] == 'X'): coords1[tindex1].append(line1[0:-1])#add coords to list line1 = f1.readline() if(line1[0] == 'M'): break else: continue """Close old files""" f0.close() f1.close() """Shift drl1 coords""" toolindex = 0 for tool in coords1: for coord in tool: #find the index of 'Y' Yindex = coord.index('Y') """start with x coordinate""" xcoord = coord[1:Yindex] #add back trailing zeroes while(len(xcoord) < 6): xcoord = xcoord + '0' #convert to mils xcoord = int(xcoord)*10**(-1) #translate position xcoord = xcoord + drl1xoffset xcoord = int(xcoord*10) xcoord = str(xcoord) #reformat while(len(xcoord) < 6): xcoord = '0' + xcoord while(xcoord[-1] == '0'): xcoord = xcoord[0:-1] """repeat for y coordinate""" ycoord = coord[Yindex+1:] #add back trailing zeroes while(len(ycoord) < 6): ycoord = ycoord + '0' #convert to mils ycoord = int(ycoord)*10**(-1) #translate position ycoord = ycoord + drl1yoffset ycoord = int(ycoord*10) ycoord = str(ycoord) #reformat while(len(ycoord) < 6): ycoord = '0' + ycoord while(ycoord[-1] == '0'): ycoord = ycoord[0:-1] """store the translated coordinates""" newcoord = 'X' + xcoord + 'Y' + ycoord newcoords1[toolindex].append(newcoord) toolindex = toolindex + 1 """Make + write the new, combined file""" fOUT = open(drlOUT,'w') fOUT.write('M48\nINCH,LZ\n') #Write tool info for i in range(len(toolsOUT)): tstring = str(i+1) if len(tstring) < 2: tstring = '0' + tstring tstring = 'T' + tstring + 'C' + str(toolsOUT[i])[1:] + '\n' fOUT.write(tstring) #Don't bother with replicating comments, except for a ';' to work with next #combination fOUT.write(';\n') fOUT.write('%\nG90\n') #write tool/coord info for n in range(len(toolsOUT)): tstring = str(n+1) if len(tstring) < 2: tstring = '0' + tstring + '\n' tstring = 'T' + tstring fOUT.write(tstring) #first print out orig coords for that tool for coord0 in coords0[n]: fOUT.write(coord0 + '\n') #print modified drl1 coords for same tool for newcoord1 in newcoords1[n]: fOUT.write(newcoord1 + '\n') fOUT.write('M30\n') fOUT.close() if __name__ == '__main__': panelize()